Rider: Andy
Bike: Cannondale road bike
Location: Camberwell - Holborn - Camberwell
Conditions: Dry
Total Mileage: 10 miles (5 each way).
Time: 8.37am
Food: 2x Kiwi, Weetabix and Honey, Juice, Tea, M&S Porcine Mushroom Fettucine, Protein Bar, Tea, Chicken and roasted veg, Activia Yoghurt, 2 x glass red wine.
Idiots encountered: It still amazes me at the amount of cyclists that go through red lights and everyday it does appear that i am just about the only person who stops. Why is it that some cyclists think that the law doesn't apply to them. How can they complain about motorists using their mobiles when driving, or pedestrians walking out in front of them, when they so blatantly flout the law themselves.
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