Sunday, 18 April 2010

Guildford to Peaslake - 18/04/10

Lins birthday celebration off-road ride to Peaslake

Clapham Junction 
Grant, Loren and Al, just before we got our lattes, and chocolate sticks.

Description of route
Start Guildford station. Get onto one-way system and follow A281 towards Shalford.  After church (on right) turn left into East Shalford Lane.  Over level crossing and turn right at main road on edge of Chilworth village.  At next T-junction turn left. Look out for Downs Link signpost on left approx 200m from junction.  Turn left onto lane and, at Great Tangley Manor Farm, follow Downs Link BW straight on up hill. 

The start of our adventure.

OOOps - Lin has to reach for her map - very unusual - a rare site indeed.

Ignore first BW on right and take second (after big house) marked by blue topped post. Cross lane and follow path to “The Villagers” pub at Blackheath.  

The sun shone through the trees - such a glorious day.

I might get killed for putting this up. Katie was doing a strip tease and taking off some layers. The other Katie moved forward quickly to spare her blushes and put paid to my paparazzi aspirations. Come in Oscar Bravo :)))))))))

Cross lane and take path between two fences.  Turn left past cricket pitch and take BW on apex of bend marked with blue topped post.  Follow posts directly across common.  Go past house on right and, at Green Lane, take track up to left and then narrow steep sided BW to right on apex of bend in track.  Ignore BWs to left and follow sandy track to Farley Heath Road.  Cross road and follow track towards Kiln Hangar and Mayor House Farm.  Track becomes byway.  
At T-junction turn left to Farley Green.  

Riding through the fields on way to Peaslake. 
Lin and Katie sweep through as I stand holding the baby - i mean the gate.

Who let the dogs out? Thankfully no one, as they seemed very boisterous and not too keen on posing for photos.

Climb up towards Peaslake - Loren hits the front

Al wending her way up through the trees.

Followed by our gallant leader and chief map reader Lin, accompanied by Katie D and Katie.

Turn right onto lane and next left signposted Pond Lane etc.  Ignore byway and BW on right and, at left hand bend, turn right into driveway of Lockhurst Hatch Farm (care – signpost is hidden).  Pass through farm yard and follow BW up hill to join lane.  Turn left then, after approx 100m, turn right onto BW across open fields.  Turn right onto lane then left down steep hill to Hurtwood car park and Peaslake village.

Ooooooo Granty, please mend my little old puncture - pleasssssssssssssssssssse :)
.........Quicker please - i have trails to ride :))))

Al had time for another puncture just before our snack. Nicely mended in the Peaslake car park.

Arrival in Peaslake
Peaslake was a welcome break and a chance to catch up with johnny, a few cups of tea, the odd sandwich and a slice of treacle tart. (Not in order of importance). There were loads of bikers, of all shapes and sizes and on a variety of bikes - roadies, mtbers congregating around the convenience store and bleeding it dry of pasties and all things cakey.

The start of Barry Knows Best.

It was my first ride on Barry since he had a makeover and boy what a makeover. Boy - you are looking dammmm hot and so good i rode him twice. Grant was on my tail and very eager to let me know how fast he was - to his credit he is getting fast (dammit) and seems to show no sign of fear. We were going to give Barry one more blast before lunch.

After our run from Barry Knows Best we headed back up in order to get to Yoghurt Pots.
Cycling through what seemed like piles of large pencils. Daz, Loren and Al leading the way.

Cycling through the woods and sandy tracks and off to find Yoghurt Pots and Slush Puppies.

Yoghurt Pots was great - so good i had to go down it three times.
It was Lorens first time, but think he enjoyed the buzz. Slush Puppies is a cheeky little trail, very short and starts near the beginning of Yogs (little turn off on the left). It gets its name from the very wet and one very deep bomb hole part way through - be prepared to get wet. (unless of course its dry).

Al shows how to ride the big wet bomb hole on Slush Puppies. Lovely Jubbly, you go girl.

On our way up the track Daz suddenly started shouting 'Snake' at the top of her voice - poor old snake, must have been frightened to death. An Adder slithered across the track in front of me and then in front of Daz (i hadn't noticed it). I quickly shot off my bike and then fumbled about for my phone to take a pic, but was sadly too slow. Bounding into the undergrowth after it seemed like a good idea at the time until someone mentioned they were venomous. Ray Mears watch out.

Adder (Vipera berus)
Adders have a distinctive zigzag pattern running along the length of their back. They are mainly found on rough grassland and heathland. Adders do not lay eggs or make nests. They give birth in late summer or early autumn. They are the only venomous snake in the UK, but the venom is designed to kill small animals like voles and not short hairy bikers. Apparently I am more likely to be harmed by bees or horses or fellow bikers. Now there's a thought.

The Hurtwood Hotel get lots of business from bikers and the garden was packed. It was time for a nice lunch.

Top of Holmbury Hill we took the opportunity to have a group photograph.
Top Row: Johnny, Al, Kate, Katie, Daz
Bottom Row: Birthday girl Lin, Loren, Grant & Me.

Journey back to Guildford
After partaking of trails, tea, cake, trails, lunch etc, take lane back up hill past car park.  At junction go straight on and turn into driveway of Peaslake House.  Follow BW to left and across common.  Cross lane and follow driveway for approx 200m. Take BW on left, just before gates, down hill and along the stream (!). At house go straight on along track and turn left at T-junction back onto Pond Lane.  At junction turn right to Farley Green.  Take left at end of village green (past phone box) and first right into lay-by.  Take BW track to right.  At bench seat take right hand fork.  Where five bridleways meet in a clearing (!), bear slightly to the left (this should be the second exit).  Follow sandy trail to Blackheath village.  At houses head down lane to “The Villagers” pub.  At this point the outward route is reversed.
Take path marked with blue topped post from car park.  At lane cross straight over.  Turn left onto track up hill.   Go straight on and follow BW down hill to Great Tangley Manor Farm.  Follow track straight on and turn right into woods on Downs Link.  Turn right onto main road then right at next junction towards Chilworth.  On apex of right hand bend, just before village sign, turn left.  Cross level crossing and follow East Shalford Lane back to main road.  Turn right onto A281 back to Guildford (care – road is very fast and busy).

The tea that never was. Lin had gone to the trouble of making afternoon tea, so we could celebrate her birthday once we had finished the ride and before we got on the train. Sadly we only had 5 mins to spare so we had to forgoe the tea and make do with a train to london. Would have been perfect end to a fantastic day. :))))))))))))))))))))

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