Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Burgess Hill Springtime Classic - (71 miles) 21/03/10

The Ride - Classic
The Classic is the hardest and longest of the three rides on the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic event. An excellent event to prepair for the cycling season ahead. The course is hard for this time of the year and should only be attempted by experienced cyclists able to ride for four or more hours over hilly terrian. With a distance of 71 miles (114km) and 1653 metres of climbing the route will test riders endurance. There are three feed stations on this ride to help riders around the course which has many hills like Pillow Mounds Hill, Kidds Hill, Groombridge Hil and the infamous Cobb Lane hilll. Riders will also have the chance to relish the many descents this testing course offers.

A wet sunday in March and 71 miles of fun
It was not looking good - the weather was decidedly chilly and with potential rain on the way the day was looking like it might be a wash-out. We had hired a car to drive down to the start at Burgess Hill. Julian and Inaki rode down to mine at some god forsaken time in the morning and we loaded bikes for the journey.

Enthusiasm was low - 'why are we doing this?' was definatley uttered more than once (not by me I must add). On arrival at the car park there were loads of other cyclists in various states of undress, getting their bikes ready and setting off to register. It was a case of, shall i put my waterproofs on or shall i risk it. 

After bikes were made ready and we went to register it was last minute nerves that probably sent everyone rushing for the loo. The queue was long and the bowel emptying quicker than.......paint drying.

Numbers on bikes and we then queued to the start. 
We had discussed riding together for a while but it was soon evident that Inaki and Julian were more keen to take their time, chat about the weather and were probably asking themselves why they were doing this.

Grant and i upped the pace and had soon left the boys to their own devices. The weather was holding out.

The ride was the first long one of the season and was a great opener. 


Me at the top of Kidds Hill (The Wall)

Me somewhere else (oh - where are the others i hear you cry)

Grant and I behind some guys on really cool bikes - I was aware of cameraman and was trying not to be seen.

Julian - the face says it all (stop taking pictures, this isn't enjoyable, take one more and i'll slap you)

Inaki - Now i have to ride through this bloody stream. I could be still in bed.

Grant at top of Kidds Hill - and he is smiling - OMG, this is such a rare treat.

Julian - if I fall off I am going to be even more unhappy.
I could be home sorting out my kitchen.

Ok - i have my mojo now, waterproof off and I am motoring.
Sod Julian, I am going to catch up the others now.

Looking cool Granty - keep leaning into corner - you can make it :)))

The Route


86 Andrew Walker M40    04:57::01    Silver
87 Grant Meldrum M33    04:57:54    Bronze
326 Inaki Lajas    M34    05:25:36    Bronze
351 Juliann Hayes M40    05:27:33    Bronze

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